The power of testimony
And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. (Rev 12:11 NLT)
We tell stories to teach, inspire, and entertain. But did you know that stories have the power to defeat the wrath and bondage of Hell? The Book of Revelations reveals that satan was defeated by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and by the angels’ testimony of His sacrifice, power, and love.
In a court of law, a testimony is a story presented as evidence of factual events used to render a final decision. As a defeated foe, the only weapon the enemy has against us is lies. Each lie we accept is a rope encasing us in fear, depression, anger, addiction, and more.
But our testimony of Jesus’ victory and God’s love exposes the enemy’s lies and disables his entire arsenal. The final verdict: satan is nothing but noise we can turn off as easily as turning on the Light!
Our testimony, empowered by the Blood of the Lamb, gags the enemy, leaving him powerless. Today I’d like to expose a lie that leaves many stories of God’s love untold:
My little testimony isn’t powerful enough to help someone.
Scriptures such as Luke 10:17 and Mark 16:17 tell us that demons submit to His name.
My friends, the power isn’t in your testimony - it’s in Jesus’ name.
Satan’s lies may be subtle or bold. Similarly, our worries and trials are both great and small, and God leads us through them all. If Jesus gave you the peace to drive safely through a snowstorm, then someone in a crash waiting for the ambulance to arrive needs to know Jesus is already there.
If Jesus gave you the strength to overcome addiction, then a teenager can draw on that same strength to decline a cigarette.
Every story about Jesus unravels a lie and frees a soul. Please share a story of His love and faithfulness today.