Wrapping up 2019

Is God on the move you may ask? My answer is another question. Did God move you in 2019? Is He moving you now? If not, maybe it is time to seek Him and be available to Him to be moved!

Who we are in Christ Jesus

We are able to walk into that beautiful, incredibly intimidating throne room, right up to the great chair, where sits a pulsating Holy Light that is so powerful that no human can look upon it and live, and say, “Dad, I have a problem, can you help me?” He bends down and says, “Tell me child, I am listening”.


There are times in my walk with God where I feel a tugging in a certain direction, that slight tug asks me to look deeper than to skim the surface. Since the end of October, I have had that tug to look at TRUST.

Feed the Fire

Maybe this Thanksgiving you will fire up the fireplace. I was at a friend’s house fellowshipping and they had a beautiful fireplace. It was warm and cozy. But as the night wore on something became very apparent,

Encouragement to get in God’s Word

  I have read through the entire Bible in one year but the Bible is not a book to be just read.It is to be studied, understood, researched, thought-over, and reread.  One book or even one chapter and, at times, one verse can keep you thinking and chewing for days.